Saturday, January 14, 2017

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Being a HUMSS student is far from easy. Days that begin and end with readings, oral reports, debates, and don't get me started on the endless writing exercises. There are days when we just want to throw all our readings in the air like we just don't care.  Despite this though, admittedly, HUMSS students know in their heart of hearts that they love what they do and this is their passion. So here are 11 fulfilling things that all HUMSS students know too well.

1. That fulfilling ctrl+s maneuver 

dance reaction dancing win winning

Oh, yes, you know the one. That satisfying sound of your fingers gently touching the control and s key on the keyboard, signalling the end of your paper-writing perils.Whether it be a technical report, reaction paper, or an analysis, this maneuver, when done, could always be executed with a gleeful "bes finally!" and ending the moment with a silent reflection - realizing that what you have just produced made you socially aware and made you a better writer. Also, you're now ready to get the best set of zzz's you've had in weeks.

2. When you find out most of the week's session is allocated for film viewing

Though you know for a fact that a reaction paper assignment is in order after watching the film, you still get excited about watching motion pictures. Whether it tackles the economic downfall of a great nation or the struggles of an American man becoming the victim of outsourcing, it still excites you because you finally see the importance of social science disciplines such as linguistics, economics, and making the right choices with the help of political science.

3. When you finally know ALL the sides of the story during History

In the inevitable discussion of historical events, you tend to find out interesting trivia about personalities and groups of people. Like, you never knew Hitler adopted a vegetarian lifestyle later in his life because of his resentment towards animal cruelty, nor have you heard of the Mayans sacrificing people to their gods by painting them blue and ripping the victim's still beating heart out of their bodies. Although in-depth discussions about history raise endless amounts of questions and give almost every person trust issues, these tiny discoveries make History class always a refreshing experience.

4. When you finally recite and argue like a pro

Adios to the days when you stuttered and had difficulty in expressing yourself clearly. Due to the endless opportunities to speak up in every HUMSS subject, plus additional knowledge thanks to linguistics' strong link with proper communication, you're now a pro at giving your opinion and insight in almost any subject matter. Thanks, HUMSS. 

5. When you find out your field trip is to go to the SENATE 

Some say it's geeky to be fangirling over the possibility of seeing a senate hearing in action, but for someone who only reads their names and see their faces in newspaper headlines and the evening news, meeting these public officials and seeing them execute their job in person is somewhat like seeing Ryan Gosling act on set for us HUMSS students!

6. When you finally apply economics in your daily life

Though you still have to stop yourself from buying that unnecessary shirt or overly expensive planer, you now know the difference between a want and a need. Applying the concepts of Economics, you are now more able to handle the world of finances -  equipped with knowledge of taxes, supply and demand, and consumer rights. 

7. When your hands have a life of their own in Creative Writing

 You're not quite sure what took over you, but all of a sudden thoughts are flowing out of you like a leaking fountain pen. Time stops, and it's just you and your poem, or short story, or creative essay. It doesn't usually happen, but when it does, you get a taste of what it's like to be part of the human experience. After, you think to yourself, "the world isn't so black and white after all". And also, quite possibly, "Dami mong feels, girl. Chill."

8. When you can finally use the laws to your advantage

Nothing feels better than defending your stance with the help of laws. A taxi driver quarreling with you in public? Hit 'em with the "I have my rights" card and, if you're truly in the right, it's always you at the end with the last laugh. Though in all seriousness, we all know that our collected knowledge of different laws help us to become not only an aware citizen, but also a wise person when faced with uncomfortable situations.

9. When you use Psychology to boost your self-esteem

Now that we've been introduced to Psychology - the science that aims to find out why people act and think like they do, it's such a rewarding feeling to be able to apply these same methods and several researches on self-help to help you build a strong mental attitude. Soon enough, we aren't only helping ourselves, we also start helping other people to flourish.

10. When you find out that the Social Sciences don't disappoint the economy 

According to a social science project by Patrick Dunleavy of the LSE Public Policy Group, the estimated amount of money generated by the social sciences industry in the UK is 2.7 billion pounds. Yes. That much. Who says you can't make a living out of the social science industry? Even a discussion paper written by Vincent Smith in 1998 suggested that social science research, just like the physical sciences "provides new knowledge that can alter the economic welfare of households". What more can you ask for?

11. That feeling when you know you're in the right strand

Even if there are days when you doubt whether you still want to participate in our strand's activities or school in general, at the end of the day, you know that HUMSS is your ticket to being a psychologist, anthropologist, lawyer, politician, demographer, anthropologist, or whatever you want to be. You know that you love this strand and it, undoubtedly, makes you happy. Thank you, HUMSS.